Those Who Roam
If you google “woman travelling solo,” you will find some interesting results. The majority of articles you’ll come across offer advice on safety while travelling solo.
Women have to take far more precautions when traveling alone than their male counterparts. This is yet another reason to work towards equality and empowerment for women.
Can you imagine our daughters and their granddaughters travelling the world alone without fear? Able to follow any path to any place their hearts desire without extra caution or companions? And to find, in all their adventures, women who are also free and empowered to support themselves and their families?
This is the world we here at T. Karn Imports believe is possible. One we work toward every day by supporting and promoting women in artisan craft and business. Although the rest of the world may not have caught up with these values, women are still travelling solo, proclaiming their freedom to roam the earth. We are blessed and inspired to count so many of these women among our friends in Telluride.
To celebrate their wandering spirits, we are beginning a series on female travel. In this series, we will interview women about their experiences traversing the planet. So stayed tuned for some amazing stories, advice, and inspiration to begin your own adventure!